Finished Projects

Schnitzel & Boo Mini #3- Angel Mini

Hi friends! I was scrolling through my Flickr feed and realized I never took the time to share with you a project I completed in 1 week! After having so much fun with Schnitzel & Boo’s mini quilt swaps (see the Flickr photo stream here)… and being blessed with great minis that came my way…. I decided to volunteer to be an Angel in this swap! An Angel is someone who agrees to take on another partner without something in return. These new partners had partners of their own at some point but, as happens in all swaps, their partner had to drop out for some reason. Without Angels, that person will have made their item for THEIR person, but would never receive one.

I knew I was going to need to whip up something great and fast, and package a lot of goodies for it! Luckily, I was paired with someone whose taste was similar to mine so I was able to pull right from my stash instead of ordering new stuff! I also had a Red Letter Day pattern by Thimble Blossom that I won from Westwood Acres a few months ago that I was DYING to try out! And the pattern for 1 block was the perfect size for a mini quilt! The pattern was well written and so easy to put together… I should make things from patterns more often. LOL

I chose fabrics from Art Gallery (arguably my favorite fabric manufacturer) using mostly Bonnie Christine’s Sweet as Honey and Leah Duncan’s Tule and Meadows collections and a little bit of Heather Ross‘ Briar Rose. I kept it simple with straight line quilting, but decided on a super cute pieced back. I picked up some goodies from the Daiso store (Japanese dollar store) and I made this awesome pin cushion mason jar after spotting it on Pinterest.

I just love doing these minis!! Every time I do one, I keep wanting to make the same thing for myself! Someday I will. Enjoy the photos!

Fabric and pattern for my angel mini. Hope my new partner likes it!

My angel mini for 2nd partner is done! Just needs goodies.


My angel mini off to my 2nd partner today! Hope u love it!

My angel mini off to my 2nd partner today! Hope u love it!

I really enjoyed the whole, fast, process of this mini and the results have my head swimming thinking about the next time I put these fabric beauties to use!

Happy sewing!



How-To or Review Uncategorized

Blog Hop Stop!

IMG_3676Pull on into the station!! Welcome readers, new and old! Why the Hogwarts Express reference, you ask?? Because this is a blog hop stop! And because I love Harry Potter! Whats a blog hop? I wasn’t quite sure myself.. it made me think of a steam train.. hence the Hogwarts love I just gave. A blog hop is when bloggers pass the baton, so to speak, to each other to write a post on a common topic! The idea is for readers to find new content they might like! There are many types of blog hops (sometimes for authors of new books or fabric lines, patterns etc) but this one is just a “get to know you” type. I was invited by Lindsay of Sew Lindsay Sew to be a part of this one (my first blog hop). She recently challenged herself on her 100th post, to make a list of 100 projects she wants to sew! I’m really intrigued to see how she does! Its so easy for all of us to get distracted with other projects. Good luck Lindsay! Now, on to the questions!

“Why do I write?”

I’m a talker… and I have lots of aspects to my life and interests… and I was eager to share everything I could with anyone who would listen. But there came a point where I realized that I couldn’t keep oppress people with my passionate conversation every time I was in the presence of another human. LOL. I needed an outlet where people could be as much, or as little, of a participant as they wanted. A place I could let all that was in my head just flow out.

My blog started out when I was TTCing (trying to conceive) Levi. From there it naturally transformed into a blog about pregnancy. After Levi was born and started to struggle with developmental delay, it really became a negative place for me and I stopped blogging for a long time. After getting a handle on my personal/family life.. and attending therapy (you wanted honesty :P) I decided I really wanted this space to be about all the uplifting and informative areas of my life: hence Project Leasa.

NOW, I write about a number of things. I still write about Levi and his progress with development, health, school and parenting because in those early days of fear and confusion, I was hard-pressed to find much personal experience from other bloggers. The few I did find, led me to so much info and support that I wanted to be out there sharing it for other scared parents. In a perfect world, I would love my updates about Levi to be a way of keeping family up to date, but hardly any of them follow so I have to relay much of it via phone LOL.

Recently I have been trying to write more about my sewing and quilting. I have always been very crafty and I thank the internet gods for bringing us craft-crazy people together! Though, my husband would probably curse it. I started sewing only a few years ago, taught to me by my good friend Virginia. But I learned to crochet very young from my mom. Her mother was always an accomplished knitter/crocheter/sewer winning prizes and making the most breath-taking things. I am not as close with them, but I cherish the crafty connection.


“What am I working on?”

Parenting-wise, Levi just aged-out of early intervention but was assessed by the shcool district here and was approved for more services. He recently started attending a “Preschool Mixed” Special Education program for children who are still dealing with developmental delay or possible Autism Spectrum Disorders. So, I am working on getting us all settled into our new routines and checking into any specialists Levi may need to see for official diagnosis, if necessary. If you would like to read more about little Levi’s journey so far, you want the Parenting tab above.

As for sewing… I am finishing up my last commissioned quilt, the Mid-Century Mod quilt, as well as participating in 2 handmade swaps! The first, is the #Hogwartsswap hosted by Valerie LeBreton (@ispeakmellorian on Instagram) due at the end of November, and the 2nd is the #DisneyMiniQuiltSwap2015 hosted by Kaitie Logsdon (@themodernbobbin on Instagram) and is due early Jan 2015. Both of these swaps are being hosted on Instagram. If you want/need to know what a swap is and all the details, you can find my blog posts about past swaps I have been a part of by choosing the Finished Projects tab at the top. Otherwise, my live Instagram feed is showing in the right column of my blog and you can check out what I have been posting there!

I also have been on a little kick of making some clothing items for myself and Levi. He needed some easy up and down elastic shorts because he potty trained just before turning 3 (yay!!) and I did some selfish sewing by making myself 2 shirts and a skirt. As fall/winter approaches (slowly) I will need to make Levi some pants too! Of course, I will be blogging all of this once I am done/have the time. Please enjoy the photos below of those projects in-progress so far!

What I've been working on lately!

What I've been working on lately!

What I've been working on lately!

What I've been working on lately!

What I've been working on lately!

Shorts I made for Levi! Potty learning friendly w not too tight elastic

What I've been working on lately!

What I've been working on lately!


“How does it differ from others of its genre”

The only answer I can give, is that it’s different because I am sharing my personal life with all of you. I really enjoy the rush of sharing finished projects, because it can be so difficult to get to them with the busy of life and Levi’s needs! And, speaking of Levi, sharing his journey and our learned knowledge of all that he has experienced can be a great benefit to others. True, I may have 2 different types of readers… some that are interested only in the crafts, and others that are looking for info and support for their child’s issues/needs…. but I dare say it goes beyond that! Many in the sewing/quilting/crafting community are parents, too. Doesn’t matter if their kid(s) are dealing with struggles, they know the struggle of balance between family life/needs and our hobbies. So, I hope there is enough content for everyone to enjoy and find useful! 🙂


“How does my writing process work?”

Like word vomit! LOL. Usually, I will have a blog post in mind about whatever sewing project I finished or an update on Levi. I think about the post mostly while I am driving… is that bad?… and then I hack it all out at work, spreading it over a few days. I don’t spend too much time drafting and perfecting, so my posts are structured a lot like what having a convo with me would be like. Otherwise, the rest of my time is family. And when Levi is in bed, that’s my project time! Not time I want to spend in front of a blog post. Occasionally I do a little on my iPhone while putting him to bed, but not too often. I don’t love the blogging apps.

I hope you enjoyed this stop on the blog hop! It was fun sharing a hello with new and old readers! I hope you stop by again!

I happily send this steam train along to Kira at La Bella Colori! I am mostly familiar with Kira through Instagram. I’ve seen countless fabulous items she has made (and received) through organized swaps! I love how versatile she is in her style, and how crafty she is in general! Cant wait to see that cherry embroidery that’s on the hoop for your swap partner, Kira! This blog hop has been so great- I am discovering all types of people through their blogging!

See you all again soon!




The End of an Era– The Start of Another

SpEdIEPI had been waiting to update on Levi’s development until I had ample info to actually share. Up until now, he had been getting various services through Regional Center. Since 11 months old, he was receiving up to 4 therapy sessions per week in Physical Therapy (PT), Developmental Therapy (DT), and Speech Therapy (ST). Once he turns 3 years old, Early Intervention (EI) services stop through Regional Center, but you can request the school district, in this case LAUSD, to evaluate and see if they will continue services. He had been doing so well, especially his progress in speech, but we decided to see if the school district thought he may need a little more to increase his future school readiness. I declined the exiting Psych eval through Regional Center, because its focus was if we were concerned about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), which we were not.


The evals through LAUSD took a few months leading up to his 3rd birthday to complete. At the end of evals, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting is held with the district, where they tell you their findings and what services the offer/recommend… or possibly no services at all. So his eval with the school PT and APE (Adaptive PE) therapists went well. He scored above average in his gross motor skills, which is great! The meeting with the district nurse took a while, giving his entire health history including PFAPA and his food allergies. He passed the hearing and his eye sight was great.


His eval with the speech therapist and school psychologist were done together. This one I was most interested in because he had never had a psych eval and speech was his area of concern still, for me. He was not as cooperative with them, which was unusual. He avoided, shut down, tried to leave the task or turn to me during most of the eval. At the end, the 3 of us chatted for a little while about how he did. They mentioned he was so avoiding/uncooperative with them because they were really prodding him in areas they saw him struggle in. After all, they were trying to determine his ability the best they could. I remember them mentioning their concern on how much he shut down and avoided language and anything difficult. Obviously, its not a life-skill anyone would prefer their child to have and could present issues in school. They couldn’t give results then, obviously, but that stuck out to me.


Fast forward about a month later… we had half of the IEP meeting… they had issues accessing his file via the server.. but we were also able to get the results of the evals and what they were planning to offer him. The result was, they wanted Levi to attend the LAUSD Special Education preschool program called “Preschool Mixed”. I was really shocked and wasn’t sure why. After seeing the speech/psych eval, I understood why. Levi scored quite low in the Social/emotional aspect and the Pragmatic language area (how you use and understand language in social situations and cues). Everything else was within average. The week following this, I spent a lot of time researching what this meant. Online, discussing with my therapist, the school psychologist, a friends husband who is a Neuropsychologist… and so many scary things were coming up: Aspergers and Autism Spectrum Disorder. My worst nightmare, honestly. The only thing that held me to my sanity way back when Levi was diagnosed with developmental delay was: at least it probably isn’t autism.


I know, for all of you reading this that know him personally, your expectation of what Aspergers and Autism look/act like doesn’t fit Levi. I agree, to an extent. Mostly, I want to say that signs for these start around 3 and often are not diagnosed until 5-9 years old when the gap between normal developing kids and these kids widens and social relationships become more complex. So its totally possible the signs are mild, but we have no idea how big the gap could become later. Also, Levi may have a high functioning form of these… which would be great. And lastly, there are things that are part of Levi that may not raise flags to those unfamiliar with the associated symptoms/behaviors. Below is a list of associated behaviors and struggles children who have social/emotional and pragmatic delays. I have used a red, yellow, green color coding to share how these present in Levi at this time. Yellow being sometimes or inconsistent, green being that he does exhibit. If not color coded, either it doesn’t apply (because he is too young) or he doesn’t exhibit so far. On some, I made more in-depth notes or examples. You may also read about Pragmatic Language Impairment HERE and Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder HERE. Those also used to be called Semantic Pragmatic Disorder (SPD) so there is more info HERE.


 (These are the features we have observed in many of our kids but not all in one youngster!)

Early Developmental 0-2 years:

1. “Golden” baby
2. A loner. -definitely in a group setting. Dont take this as ‘left out’ or negative
3. Didn’t always look at you properly or enough when talking to you.
4. Didn’t babble much.
5. Didn’t take teddy to bed.
6. Difficult toddler with no sense of danger.
7. Fussy eater
8. Inappropriate response to sensory stimuli (e.g. touching, pain, noise)when he is being hurt, he just allows/cries/shutsdown
9. Late pointing to share knowledge.
10. Late recognizing himself in a mirror or in a photograph.
11. Late talking
12. No boundaries. -we witnessed him go right up to some stranger & hug/kiss. Doesnt respond when friends say stop.
13. Not interested in baby games.
14. Over clingy or wandered off too easily. never had an issue with separation anxiety
15. Thought he was deaf.


Nursery age development 2-4 years:

1. Appears to have a receptive language disorder.
2. Better conversation at home than at school.
3. Cannot play or negotiate with other kidsa little successful 1 on 1, but cant in a group
4. Cannot share.
5. Can’t initiate pretend games with other kids.
6. Difficulty cutting out.
7. Doesn’t build much with lego or tends to build the same. -he always builds the same thing. And those things are what he has seen Craig and I build
8. Echoes people’s conversations, stories and t.v. programs.
9. Good at jigsaws, colors, numbers, shapes.
10. Has to be prompted to use social greetings like ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.
11. Late drawing representationally. Prefers scribble if left. his drawings have no meaning. no attempt to control or make a face
12. Loves music and has a good memory for tunes
13. Never asks for help – too independent.
14. Obsessional interests like cars, dinosaurs and Michael Jackson! knows all the parts of fire trucks and will spout them off!
15. Only interacts at a rough and tumble or chase level.
16. Only watches cartoon t.v. or animal programs
17. Prefers ‘helping’ with real activities like operating machinery or washing up.
18. Prefers to ‘read’ his own story (usually Thomas the Tank Engine).
19. Pretend is only action on object and doesn’t have a storyline. called functional play. He knows the toy cup represents a real cup, but wouldn’t play with it as anything else nor make up anything even related to the cup (a tea party)
20. Rarely dresses up. almost never. I prompt or put a hat on him
21. Tantrums persisting.
22. Very active – doesn’t settle to play for long. except for his interest area. otherwise, flits around from toy to toy
23. Wouldn’t settle at playgroup and had to be removed. really struggles with listening & staying on task at gymnastics, etc


School Age development:

1. Appears rude or can say things that embarrass you.
2. Approaches people inappropriately by kissing them or wrapping his arm around them or standing too close.
3. Cannot cope in crowds like assembly or parties. he stays removed from them and observes
4. Can’t follow topic work in the classroom.
5. Can’t get his ideas on paper.
6. Can’t tell you what he did at school without shared knowledge.
7. Difficulty coping with school dinners (e.g. food fads, slow eater, surrounding noise, conversational expectations).
8. Distractible in the classroom.
9. Does not see himself as a member of a group.
10. Doesn’t ask the teacher for help.
11. Doesn’t exchange eye contact or facial expression appropriately.
12. Doesn’t like football or complex rule based games.
13. Doesn’t really follow the storyline of a book. he can if its a book he knows and we have told him the storyline
14. Doesn’t take turns in conversation.
15. Doesn’t understand abstract concepts like: tomorrow, next week, guess, wish.
16. Doesn’t use much gesture like shrugging shoulders.
17. Excellent number concepts but difficulty with + or – or telling the time or value of money.
18. Fluent speaker but only wants to talk about things important to him.
19. Follows his own interests rather than the class.
20. Follows rules slavishly, and expects everyone else too.
21. Good memory for places and events. one time i pulled off the freeway because he said he needed to potty. now when we pass that exit, he says he needs to potty. another time, we saw a tow truck with a car on the back at the light for our freeway exit. most days he asks to see that tow truck. and other really random memories, especially if related to his obsession (cars)
22. Has no special friend but dominates some kids or plays on his own.
23. Has to be told how to behave.
24. Late reader or ‘super’ reader.
25. Literal understanding doesn’t know when you are being sarcastic or joking. teacher told the kids to roll out the play-doh and put cookie cutter on top, to make “cookies”. he rolled it into a ball and placed the cookie cutter on top and was done. missed intention and social cue from other kids/watching/copying them
26. Naive and unable to see deception in others.
27. Obsessional questioning. Answers don’t satisfy him.
28. Poor handwriting
29. Seems much more childish for his age than his intelligence would suggest.
30. Sounds like a grown up sometimes.
31. Under performing at school.


Summarizing Difficulties—

Social/Emotional Delay and Disorder:

• Approaches kids and adults inappropriately.
• Childish.
Demands a lot of adult attention. adults are his favorite.
• Difficulty making friends of his own age.
Does not understand status.
• Doesn’t recognize the difference between good and bad behavior unless told.
Doesn’t understand other people’s intentions. see comment for “literal understanding”
• Feels bad about himself if he makes a mistake but doesn’t feel embarrassment.
• Little empathy
• Naive


Language Disorder:

Confuses he/she he cant get boy/girl right often
• Conversation can sound too grown up or rude.
Difficulty establishing shared attention and joint reference.
• Disproportional early vocabulary of nouns to verbs.
• Doesn’t initiate conversation appropriately.
Doesn’t use language sociably and tends not to bother about social greetings.
Early listening and comprehension problems.
Easily distracted.
Late talking and late pointing reverentially.
Later on few words to describe thoughts, feelings and intentions of others.
• May have other language problems like fluency or speech disorder.
Not interested in or able to follow topics outside his own experience.
• Over uses social phrases or non-specific pronouns e.g. ‘over there’.
• Poor Auditory discrimination so he may misuse words e.g. ‘cartoon’ for ‘carton’.
Quiet baby.
Single track attention in a busy room. if its his obsession objects, yes. otherwise he sticks to the outskirts of a busy room
Sometimes appears deaf. you have to get right in front of him sometimes if he is with obsession objects
Talks nonstop about his own interests.
Uses a flatter or exaggerated intonation pattern. sounds robotic when spouting off about cars/trucks
• Uses time labels incorrectly. Words like ‘yesterday’ can mean any period back in time.


Play skills:

Can’t share easily. what 3 year old can though?
Can’t share pretense or develop story lines.
• Difficulty in following rules of games like tag, hide and seek or football.
• Finds it difficult to develop to and fro games with adults e.g. throwing and catching a ball. Hide and Seek.
• Good at lego and jigsaws.
Likes playing on his own repetitively.
Only plays chase or rough and tumble with other kids. when he does interact w peers, tends to be very physical
Prefers real activities to pretend.
Prefers self chosen activity and resists adult direction. when playing/working with him, if it gets difficult he will shut down and direct to his prefered activity
• Some anxiety about playing in the playground, particularly if there is no apparatus or objects to play with.


Sensory Difficulties:

• Many have a heightened awareness of smell or taste and may refuse certain foods. Others have a diminished awareness of hunger and may only eat if told.
Some are late acquiring an interest in sensory exploration and continue to need this kind of play activity more than other kids of the same age and ability.
Some avoid touching certain materials particularly sticky or wet substances.
• Some kids have a heightened awareness of loud noise. Others ignore loud noise and focus on peripheral sound.
• Some kids seem to have a diminished awareness of pain ‘bravely’ picking themselves up after serious accidents and only displaying signs of distress after observing the visible signs of hurt e.g. blood


Now, many of these things are present in lots of normal developing 3 year olds, or seem nit-picky of course! And we know this! But you would also be surprised what kids his age can do/say/understand. And don’t forget, signs start about now. And when you pair these flags with the fact that he has been struggling with developmental delay his whole life, it takes on a different meaning than kids who have been observed to be developing normally.


So… whats the next step? He started today, actually, at the LAUSD Preschool Mixed program. Its 5 days per week, half day, and is for kids exactly like him. Ones who were getting early intervention who need more services/time to help them and may be exhibiting early signs of high functioning ASD. He will still be attending his usual preschool in the afternoons as well. I requested the Psych eval from Regional Center (that I previously declined) and will probably get in contact with a neurologist to get a 2nd opinion on these red flags. Other than that, its a waiting game to see how he develops over the next 2 years I think.


Lastly, I want to say that we appreciate all your love/support/prayers for Levi this whole time and moving forward. But I also want to remind you that this is stressful for us and sensitive at the moment so please consider your comments/words. What will be, will be, and I trust you all know that Levi will get all the help/services that he needs.

Much Love


PS- If you would like to see the assessment reports, you may access them HERE. I thoroughly removed all of our/his personal info.

Finished Projects

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap #2!

I was so excited to see a round 2 for the Schnitzel and Boo mini quilt swap (Flickr group here) only 6 months after the first! I had such a great time creating my last mini that I didn’t hesitate to sign up again. You can see the mini I made back in Nov 2013 HERE.

The partner I was assigned didn’t have too much to say and wasn’t too present on social media… but I got enough of an idea on what might be good for her by stalking the little bit she did have on IG. She said her favorite colors were Aqua and yellow and I noticed how outdoorsy she was. Her IG feed was full of sunrises while on a jog… I wish I had her drive for exercise :P.

It didn’t take long for me to decide on a wonky log cabin design. And in thinking about nature and her colors, I decided to try and depict a bright sunny center with a bramble of foliage surrounding it! I immediately fell in love with the idea. Here is my concept piece I whipped up in Photoshop.

Hi partner! Decided on a wonky log cabin for you! It would match your taste most and can be unique. This is a digital mock up/inspiration I did. Hope you love it as much as I do!

I pulled from my stash mostly but still had to order a few beauties.

Fabric pulls from my stash. I need to order a few things but I'm happy with what I had to start with too! What do you think, partner!?

Fabric for my partners quilt arrived today! Excited but can't get started for another week or 2. Whatcha think, partner? #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend

I loved the wonky approach because I didn’t have to spend a lot of time measuring and cutting… its all about haphazard piecing!

I only had about 30 mins to sew last night so I got my #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap quilt started! #wonkylogcabin #makeaquiltmakeafriend

I got this far (photo below) and realized I was taking too long transitioning to the blue and this piece was already almost the max size allowed! I had to decide to either take it apart, or start over. Decided to keep this one (oh darn) and start over.

I didn't transition to the blue fast enough and now it's almost max size. I can either fix this (unstitching some layers) or keep and start over... Hmm. I do love it, but not what I wanted  #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend

This is what the 2nd attempt looks like! Exactly what I wanted!

Top all done! I hope you are excited, partner! This is a new one. Guess I will just have to keep the first one. #ohdarn #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend

I spray basted, since it was so small, and did free-motion quilting (FMQ) in the middle using the darning foot on my vintage Singer. I’m not amazing with FMQ yet so I had thread breakage a few times, but I was happy with the result. The design in the middle is supposed to look like bee-flying lines all in swirls using yellow tread. On the transition and the blue’s, I used my walking foot and created a twiggy design. Super love the way it turned out!

My quilting so far. Bee swirls in the middle, twigs all around. Hope u like what u see partner!

My quilting on the back. You can see it really well!

I trimmed, labeled, and bound the quilt, using the darkest blues for the binding. Then, I noticed my mini wasn’t lying flat… it had like a volcano effect. The center was raising outward when it was laying down or on the wall. I googled, and asked other quilters, why this would happen. There were a variety of possibilities including the fact that I had denser quilting on the edges of the quilt and less in the middle. In the end, everyone recommended blocking the quilt. I had done some blocking in the past with crochet so I knew what to do. I am so happy to say it cured the problem right up!

Quilted and trimmed to 22". Wow, partner, I'm going to have a very hard time letting this go. I hope you love it. Now to put it aside for a few days and finish something else pressing. #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend

Hey #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap partner! Your mini is all done & labeled. Still collecting goodies. Photo of all of it later! Mailing out tomorrow! #makeaquiltmakeafriend

I got all my extra goodies, and made a little embroidery hoop art, and packaged up my mini! Here are the final photos.

My handmade goodie for my partner. Just gotta glue the slack down in the back. :)

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Finished images of my mini and stuff

Sorry for the sorta dark, sorta blue tinted photos… also I think I took these before I blocked it. You can see the issue.. though it was more obvious in person. Anyway, my partner loved it and it just made my day!

Lastly, take a look at what was sent to ME from Sally over at Sally’s Angel Works!

The mini I received!

The mini I received!

The mini I received!

Isn’t it fabulous!? Not only did I get that lovely mini, but she sent a mug rug, coffee, chocolate… AND she was so thoughtful and sent Levi a hot wheels truck and his own mug rug! He was so excited! I can’t thank her enough 🙂

Here are both my minis, hung in my sewing corner! (And do you spot the new serger? Its my new love… more on that later)

Mini's hung!


So… what’s up next, you ask? Well, I offered to be an Angel for this swap (make a mini for a 2nd partner who’s original partner had to bail) and I got started pulling fabric and a pattern for the new partner. I should be able to whip it up pretty quickly!

Fabric and pattern for my angel mini. Hope my new partner likes it!

And …. I signed up for a pillow swap called The Great Pillow Fight! Always wanted to do a pillow cover! I know what you’re thinking… so you don’t need to say it 😛




Finished Projects How-To or Review

Cluck Cluck Sew’s Powwow Quilt Pattern!

I had been eying this pattern for a long time… swooning over it really. I love how versatile it could be- juvenile, mature, boy, girl, clean and modern, or rustic depending on your fabric choices. I was considering it for Levi’s quilt (that I hope to get working on later this year). Well, an opportunity presented itself when a twitter mama commissioned a quilt for her little guy’s birthday. She wanted a Aeronautical type of theme. It was just perfect for this quilt.


Usually, I don’t use patterns… especially for commissions. I tend to just make them up or keep them basic. Making complicated blocks only lengthens the time and therefore the cost, so I keep it simple to keep cost low. So, this was my first quilt pattern. The instructions were very clear and well written and I had an easy time following. It just took a loooooong time. But I think that’s because I have only been doing simple ones. I happened to be on hiatus during the majority of it and I am so glad I was! I don’t think I would’ve finished within the deadline and I was a week over (thanks to Levi breaking his leg :P).


Most of my fabrics were designer quilting fabrics from various Etsy shops as well as my LQS (local quilt shop). Its a mix of Robert Kaufman, Waterfront Park, Botanics, Lotta Jansdotter and more. You can see my entire fabric selection HERE on Etsy as a saved project. I followed the instructions for the twin size quilt and sewed everything (including the quilting) on my home vintage 1950’s singer. The quilting is in the pattern of the arrows, bordering them on the inside and out side, and varies how many times around on different arrows. Anyway, enjoy the photos of the in-progress and the finished. PS- I made chain piecing my bi-otch.



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How-To or Review


A few weeks ago, Blogger Erin from Two More Seconds had the brilliant idea of doing an Instagram wide fabric destash sale! How does it work? Using the hashtag #thegreatfabricdestash! If you are not really familiar with hashtags, the basic idea is that it’s a way to filter. Posters use hastags to categorize their content and people can click or touch (from their mobile devices) on the link and see all posts from anyone who included the hashtag. With that in mind, users posted photos on Instagram of the fabric they want to sell, and include the hashtag, filtering all the fabric for sale for users to browse! You simply leave your email address connected to your Paypal account to claim the fabric and the seller sends you an invoice via Paypal. Days later, you are snuggling your purchases!


Here is a good sampling of what it looks like when you go to the hashtag:


I sold a few things myself on the destash and was able to use it to get some hard to find and out of print fabric from favorite designers like Heather Ross and Aneela Hoey. You have to be quick, though! People were snatching things up in a blink! Here are the few I purchased!


Looooooove those little puppies!!



And I was sooooo excited to score these Heather Ross Horses on green! I was really fast with the typing! LOL



Don’t I look happy??


The best thing is…. its STILL GOING! Yeah! Erin decided to keep it as a permanent place where people can keep selling and buying destashed fabric! So head on over and get something on a great deal!





Levi’s apt with the rheumatologist was yesterday here at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Even though we recently went to see the 2 doc team in San Diego, I wanted to keep this apt (made 3 months ago) to make sure Levi doesn’t have any issues with arthritis or things with his joints. We are nearing the end of our Physical Therapy services and, though he is all caught up, the PT and I were still concerned about his lack of energy, enthusiasm, and his often downright refusal to walk. He is active at times, when it’s on his time and pace, but even then, not a lot of activity.

The apt started the way they always do- I spend 20 mins reciting Levi’s entire life history, health, services, behaviors, and my pregnancy. I also showed them the documents from other doctors and fever calendar. The rheumatologist, Dr. Reiff, comes in and we talk all about PFAPA for a while (my long post about PFAPA is HERE). I tell him about my concerns with his complaints of joint pain, and after he examines him and we talk, he says there is nothing going on with Levi’s joints other than the inflammation. What a relief!!! He did say some other interesting things:

The Doc said he is not surprised to hear that Levi has struggles with developmental delay. With Periodic Fever Syndromes, the child’s body is in a constant state of inflammation. He explained that all of our bodies have a protein called Amyloid, in small amounts, and our bodies dispose of it easily. But in all Periodic Fever Syndromes, this protein is being constantly made because of the constant inflammation and it’s stored in areas like the kidneys. When the fever syndrome is untreated, the “bucket is full and overflowing with Amyloid” is the analogy he used. Treating the fevers with Prednisone gives the body a chance to dump the Amyloid.

What does Amyloid have to do with developmental delay? Is causes fatigue and inactivity! This issue is highest in the hereditary forms of PfAPA like FMF. Those children, he said, look kinda sickly in general and are on the bottom of growth charts. The good news is that classic PFAPA has the least issue with Amyloid. The rheumatologist mentioned that as it’s treated with prednisone more and more, they notice the children improving in tone, energy, and activity as well as weight gain. He said it’s not solely PFAPA’s fault for Levi’s developmental delay, but that I should start to see more improvement along with PT since using the prednisone.

Lastly, he mentioned that the mouth ulcers are still to come. They don’t show this young, but he was pretty certain they will come but that the prednisone should help them some. He also made it clear that he was against the tonsillectomy. In all of their cases of various PFAPAs, they have NO patients who got the tonsils removed and was cured of PFAPA. He said he cannot understand how the current studies are getting 80% success rate. But, I will say, that this hospital is located in Little Armenia and so he sees many FMF cases which cannot be cured or outgrown, ever. I don’t know what to think yet. But we have decided Levi is too young right now and hopefully there will be more info about it in a few years.

Obviously, seeing this rheumatologist is closer, but both doc teams have a lot of info to offer. And seeing the San Diego docs allows Levi to be part of the research. So we might see both, alternating visits. We only have to go every 6 months. All we can do now is maintenance.

Thanks for following along, and I hope it gives info to other parents seeking answers!

How-To or Review

Finish It 2014!

Honesty. I don’t really remember what my goals for 2013 were, except I know it included eating healthier. I am really happy that most of the year I made a lot of conscious choices about my eating and exercise habits, with some success! I feel much better when I am on top of it, I started taking Metformin again, and I participated in the “Game On” diet challenge with coworkers 3 times! I lost about 12 lbs total last year… and I hope I didn’t eat it back on from Halloween to the end of 2013, LOL.

I decided pretty quickly on what I wanted to try and accomplish this year. I’m mostly going to partake in a “Finish It 2014” type of goal. Finish It goals are exactly what they sound like. Things that are partway along and perhaps forgotten about or take up valuable shelf space (all of the above for me). It also includes those nagging projects you just keep meaning to do! I hope I didn’t over-do my Finish It goals. here they are!

1. The Mid-Century Modern Quilt! -this is for a client and I intend to finish it around the end of January. Its impromptu piecing project and its really intimidating me. But, I think I just really need to START piecing, and then it will roll right along. Keep an eye on my Instagram feed to see my progress over the next 4-ish weeks!


2. The Sheep Short Quilts!- sooooo last summer I joined a project my former animation professor is doing and I don’t think I mentioned it before now. Its a short film, mostly traditionally animated, but a portion of it is stop motion. They needed a quilter for set dressing… and guess who volunteered! Yours truly. This is a VERY ambitious project and he nor I really realized how long it would take. But, I have been letting it sit on the back burner and it needs some attention. I don’t want to hold them up on production. If you are interested in reading about the film and project, check out the blog HERE. Below are some photos of the progress.


As you can see, these quilts will not be created straightforward. They need to follow a specific shape and design.. and they need to indicate perspective. Yeah.

3. Levi’s Quilt! – I am giving myself all year for this one. I want to do a quilt, that’s not too juvenile, using the Pow-Wow pattern from “Cluck-cluck Sew”, for a quilt for Levi of some of his (current) favorite things! I have been collecting a few fabrics here and there. This is all I have and I really like it so far!



4. Tree Skirt! -I was too busy making our stockings to also make a tree skirt, so I really want to accomplish that this year using the Cherry Christmas line by Aneela Hoey, just like our stockings. I also saved my wedding veil and want to incorporate it like a trim. This excites me! I plan to use this free Amy Butler pattern.




5. Zipper Rosettes! – I use to make these and I loved them! I made them before they were kinda popular about 2 years ago. I have SOOOOO many zippers left that I would like to make them all and sell them and give them away!





6. The 5 & 1/2 Hour Afgan! – More like 5 & 1/2 YEAR afgan! OMG! I just rediscovered this in my craft cubbies. Time to finish it!

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7. Front Entryway! -I am feeling a little nesty for 2014 and I really want to start with this entryway. I want it gray, not yellow, and I want to take down all the shelves. I really like the collage type of walls I have been seeing on Pinterest lately and I have some artwork that is too amazing not to hang. I also love these frames I saw at Pier 1 Imports for Instagram-type photo prints. I miss prints! (of course, there will be no Christmas decor either)


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8. Photo Books! – I am so totally behind on yearly photo books! I have made them for specific events or photo shoots, but I want to make yearly ones. I am going to start with 2011 (the year Levi was born) because it included pretty much all of my pregnancy, our babymoon to Hawaii, and Levi’s birth. So I need to do 2011, 2012, and 2013! Now I just have to decide which company. I tend to go with Mixbook because I like that I can work on it at work (shhh.. dont tell). But others have told me how much they love My Publisher. Which do you use and why?

9. Potty Time! – My only goal for Levi is to attempt to sit on the potty… because he wont LOL. And we will work on him learning to pull his pants up and down, in preparation for potty learning. He will be 3 in Aug. I’m in no hurry, but he should be working on it by the end of the year.

Lastly…. I think I’m going to challenge myself further to not buy ANY fabric that isn’t for a project I am physically/literally sewing right that moment! (like I ran out of something). My cabinet is bursting with fabric! Just LOOK! Plus, its really fun to make what you have work for a project. Ive been lazy and just been buying pre-cut bundles and things that already coordinate.


Do YOU have any goals to share!?

Happy New Year everyone!
