Welcome to the kickoff blog post for Sew My Stash 2015!
This past few years I have spent lots of time sewing many projects… for others. I have been collecting amazing fabrics with the intention to sew some great things for me and my household. Repeatedly, I kept meaning to use them, but other projects always came first. But my stash was steadily growing. Last week, I finally decided that in 2015 I wanted to sew those pretties in my stash that are collecting dust. I thought a few people might be interested in taking this challenge on, so I posted about it on Instagram. Within 3 days I had almost 500 extra followers and hundreds of ‘likes’ and reposts on my Instagram image. So here we are! I’m excited and overwhelmed to be heading up this challenge for so many, but I say lets do this!

I plan to write blog post every 3-ish weeks, encouraging and reviewing how it seems to be going for the masses, as well as addressing various topics and issues that might come up with trying to focus on sewing your stash. And, as a heads up, July will be all about sewing your Christmas stash! So save those projects for then if you want to participate!
Getting Started:
I think we should first think of the ways you can use up you stash. I like the idea of thinking about what kind of sewing you should do more of? Do you sew for others all the time? Focus on yourself this year. If you do lots of selfish sewing try thinking some things up for others or even charities! Maybe you have an online shop… make more things for the shop! Try sewing some new products and offer them at competitive rates. That’s a good way of getting some revenue in place of your stash, something many are interesting in doing. Especially if selling your sewings helps pay for more pretties. I personally sew for others all the time. I would like to focus on sewing for me as well as adding finished products to my Etsy store.
Your Stash:
Don’t be embarrassed, be honest and excited! Don’t worry about wondering if you’re a hoarder or not. Just get going one at a time. For those of you with insane unorganized stashes, I don’t think I would suggest organizing as a first step. I think we all need to get a completed project, sewn from the stash, under our belts to feel accomplished! So I say start with something that is an easy completion or that you have already had a plan for and just need to execute. Don’t begin with your most coveted fabrics and the most difficult pattern ever with all kinds of techniques you have never done. Just get started and get one complete and then go from there.
First, I want to say that FABRIC DIETING IS NOT REQUIRED. That’s up to you if you want to limit your fabric purchasing. If you’re in on the fence about it, maybe decide that for every project finished you permit yourself to buy some more. I didn’t start this with the intention to whittle down your stashes to nothing. I focused on getting everyone to actually use the things they bought.
I do suggest that for each project you try to get 50% of your needed fabric from your stash. I think quilt backings, solids, backgrounds will commonly need to be bought.
What to do next:
If you haven’t already posted a photo of your stash on the hashtag, start there. Otherwise, start posting photos of your pulls for your first project. Don’t forget to tell us about it! Also, feel free to blog along and link up here so others can see what you’re up to.
I think that is all! Keep using the #SewMyStash2015 hashtag and thank ALL OF YOU so much for loving my idea and challenging yourselves along with me!